25 Sep 2023

British Academy of Management and Partner Grant Schemes 2023 - Notification of Grant Holders 2023

The British Academy of Management (BAM) is pleased to announce the award holders for the 2023 grant schemes as part of its mission to build a thriving, pluralistic research community by supporting relevant, ethical and innovative management and business research.

BAM is also pleased to announce the 2023 award holders for the third round of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Collaborative Research Award Scheme.

The 2023 Grant Holders are listed below.  Project summaries for each of the projects, together with details of Co-Investigators and awarded grant values is available to download from: Grants (bam.ac.uk)

BAM Transitions 1 Research Grant (maximum £4,000 per project)

  • Dr Laura Reeves, University of Suffolk - Who is supporting the line manager? The impact agile working arrangements has on managers’ belonging in organisations.
  • Dr Simon Oldham, Royal Holloway University of London Revealing the role of valuation in responsible crisis management: An analysis of the UK government’s Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment procurement practice
  • Dr Joshua Haist, Cranfield University Should I stay or will I go? Society, organisation, and family: Embeddedness of low-status expatriates

BAM Transitions 2 Research Grant (maximum £4,000 per project)

  • Dr Azimjon Kuvandikov, University of Essex - Do activist hedge funds transfer wealth from employees to themselves in merger and acquisition deals?
  • Dr Nicholas Burton, Northumbria University An intersectional perspective to meaningful/less work: disabled academics in UK universities
  • Dr Simon McCabe, Aston University - Dying to work? The impact of mortality concerns on the appeal of job advertisements to early retirees.

BAM Management Knowledge and Education (maximum £4,000 per project)

  • Dr Xue Zhou, Queen Mary University of London - An investigation of the effectiveness of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) in reducing the attainment gap in business analytics study.

BAM and ANZAM Collaborative Research Award (maximum £6,000)

  • Dr Nadeera Ranabahu (PI), University of Canterbury (NZ); and Dr Poh Yen Ng, Robert Gordon University (UK) - At a Breaking Point? Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Their Well-being

BAM and IAM Collaborative Research Award (maximum £4,000) and BAM and SIMA Collaborative Research Award (maximum £4,000)

On this occasion, there were no applications submitted for these schemes.  A funding round is being launched at the end of October for projects to start in 2024.  A BAM and Partner (IAM and SIMA) Grant Scheme information session and webinar will take place in November with details to follow.

We wish all award holders and their teams every success in their research and thank all applicants for submitting applications.