BAM Framework

The British Academy of Management and Capacity-Building:
From Content Expert to Management Leadership
The BAM Framework - Introduction
The BAM Framework (PDF downloadable) is designed to help our members navigate their career and capabilities development at BAM.
We emphasise the two core elements that comprise academic careers as equally important: the Specialist Knowledge required to develop research, teaching and engagements excellence, and Community & Culture created through our practice: our inclusive approach, our respect for colleagues and students, respect for ourselves, to enable the flourishing of academic lives.
In recognising the complex and dynamic nature of academic careers, the BAM Framework enables the coding of BAM events to help members create their own development paths. For example, an Early Career Journal Paper Workshop that supports the development of good (co)authoring leadership practices would be coded AD1, and a Programme Portfolio Leadership workshop, that fosters the development of mentoring and support skills for senior education practitioners, BE3. Look out for codes like this on our future events to help guide you in making your choices.
With Diversity, Inclusivity & Respect, and academic excellence at its core, the BAM Framework aims to guide, share and co-develop best practice in the field. The portfolio of BAM activities and events is not set in stone – but rather aims to shape what and how we engage to grow our community. We hope it helps.
Professor Katy Mason
Chair, British Academy of Management
January 2020