27 Jan 2023

Call for Papers: Resistance, tensions and consent to digital working in healthcare

Special Issue (SI) of Social Science and Medicine that we are guest editing, entitled ‘Resistance, tensions and consent to digital working in healthcare’.


We are interested in submissions that examine digital working in healthcare and analyse (from micro to macro levels) changes in clinical and health service work practices, how healthcare workers frame and make sense of these changes, and the impact this has on their identity. We also welcome submissions that discuss what working with digital health data means for clinicians, and what digitalisation implies for the future of clinical and health professions, in relation to power, time, space and role boundaries. We encourage submissions of research conducted across a range of healthcare settings (mental health, social care, clinical settings, primary care) and national health services. We are interested in a range of emerging digital technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), platforms, smartphone apps and their underpinning processes and capacities, for example, for surveillance, monitoring and control. 

The submission deadline is the 1st September 2023. Further information can be found here