26 Jul 2023

REF2028 Consultation on Initial Decisions – call for input

The Initial Decisions regarding the Research Excellence Framework (REF) for 2028 were published in June, and UKRI has opened a consultation. Details may be read here: https://engagementhub.ukri.org/re-research-policy/ref2028-for-further-consultation/.

BAM’s Executive Committee invites our community to share their thoughts in order to inform a BAM response.

Many of the questions relate to unintended consequences of the decisions for individuals, so it is important that a wide variety of voices are heard. Professors Jia Liu and Andy Charlwood of BAM Council’s Research & Publications sub-committee will work with our Vice Chair for EDIR, Professor Martyna Śliwa, to identify key messages for the BAM response, but please note that any individual may also submit a consultation response direct – details are in the link above.

We also intend to share key messages with other major stakeholders including the British Academy, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Chartered ABS.

To inform the BAM response, please share your thoughts via this Smart Survey link by 25th August.