Becoming an Education-focussed Professor Development Programme 2022

We are delighted to launch the ‘Becoming an Education-focussed Professor’ series for 2022 aimed specifically at supporting and developing Business and Management School academics on a Teaching and Scholarship track.

We are delighted to launch the 'Becoming an Education-focussed Professor' series for 2022 aimed specifically at supporting and developing Business and Management School academics on a Teaching and Scholarship track.

The 'Becoming an Education-focussed Professor' series was launched in 2019 by the MKE Group with the overarching goals of:

1. Promote

Promoting the centrality of the scholarship of teaching and learning in business schools and to achieve parity for teaching and scholarship (T&S) academics with research focused academics in consideration of promotion decisions. We propose that the scholarship of teaching and learning and conventional basic research (the scholarship of discovery) should be valued equally in terms of the status, recognition and reward for success.

2. Explore & Establish

Exploring and establishing the relevance of other forms of scholarship for T&S academics. This may include (to some extent and with particular focus) the scholarship of discovery (conventional research), along with the scholarship of integration and the scholarship of application.

3. Provide

Providing a programme of development for BAM members who wish to understand the nature and modalities of scholarship and develop their own scholarship profile.

Our 2022 programme aims to further build our growing collaborative community of practice and welcomes individuals at all stages of an education-focussed career (for example, Assistant to Associate Professor to Professor).

Responding to ideas from the 2021 cohort, we will be returning to Boyer's model of scholarship to individually, and collectively, explore ways of developing a scholarly identity. Such an identity is considered central to supporting impact and in the generation of promotion cases on a T&S track.

Please find below a video introduction of the Becoming an Education-focussed Professor Development Programme 2022:


This programme is in-person only. Four workshops will be held in locations across the United Kingdom:

  • Workshop 1 (21 March 2022): London, Warwick Business School, The Shard
  • Workshop 2 (4 May 2022): Belfast, Queens University
  • Workshop 3 (12 October 2022): Cardiff, Cardiff University Business School
  • Workshop 4 (7 December 2022): Glasgow Grosvenor Hotel

The focus of these workshops are as follows:

Workshop 1

Workshop 1 will launch this year’s programme. Drawing on Boyer’s model we will explore the range of different ways through which a scholarship profile can be developed with a particular focus on the scholarship of teaching. Speakers include:

  • Professor Lisa Anderson, (Interim Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education at University of Liverpool), and Professor Claire Mallanaphy (Associate Dean, Undergraduate, at Liverpool Management School), will share their experiences of the journey through to full-Professor.
  • Professor Zoe Radnor (University of Law)
  • Professor Emeritus Neil Marriott (University of Winchester)
  • Calvert Markham (Management Consultant)

Participants will have the opportunity, through guided activities, to reflect on your own experiences and practice, to consider how you might start or develop your scholarship journey.

Provisional Schedule:


10.00 - 10.30 Coffee and Tea

10.30-10.40 Welcome, MKE Overview and Introductions

10.40-11.40 Scholarship of Teaching

11.40 - 12.30 Career Identity

12.30-1.15 Lunch and Networking 

1.15 - 2.45 Mapping Teaching and Scholarship Care (defining outputs and measures of esteem for Education-focussed careers)

2.45 - 3.20 How can Business and Management Schools Support T&S Staff

3.20 - 3.30 Feedforward and Close

3.30 Tea and Coffee:  Final Networking 

Workshop 2

Workshop 2 will be a joint event with the Irish Academy of Management and will be based on Boyer’s scholarship of application. We will examine the work that Business and Management School academics undertake as consultants with organisations, how to apply research to practical situations and how these activities can lead to publications. A range of speakers will present including Professor Felicity Kelliher (Professor of Management Practice, Waterford Institute of Technology).

Workshop 3

Workshop 3 will focus on Boyer’s scholarship of discovery, upon how we might build new knowledge including publishing this new knowledge in peer-reviewed forums.  Speakers include:

  • Professor Mark Saunders (University of Birmingham) - tbc

Workshop 4

Workshop 4 will focus on Boyer’s scholarship of integration and explore how we as Business and Management School academics can draw on the space that lies between different academic disciplines plus how we can champion this space. Leading academics will share their own experiences of undertaking interdisciplinary scholarship and facilitated time will be given for participants to reflect on their practice and identify opportunities for scholarship of integration activity. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Professor Kiran Trehan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement, The University of York - tbc
  • Dr Ashley Roberts, Assistant Dean, Internationalisation and Director, The Warwick Full-time MBA, Warwick Business School
  • Professor Denis Fischbacher-Smith, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Moira Fischbacher-Smith, Vice-Principal (Learning & Teaching), University of Glasgow

The workshops are designed to be fully interactive with participants encouraged to bring existing scholarly projects or ideas for the future to develop and reflect on these ideas during the sessions.


Benefits will include
  • Joining an established community of practice with like-minded scholars where best practices are shared and co-created
  • Facilitated reflection upon how you might build your identity as an Education-focussed Professor across Boyer's Scholarships, to support your impact and inform your future promotion
  • Locating and engaging with a range of external sources to extend your scholarly and career impact



Provider Information

  • Marketing and Retail SIG

Contact Us

For specific information about this event please contact the workshop facilitator(s): 

Dr Ashley Roberts at [email protected] 

Dr Kate Black at [email protected]

For general enquiries please contact the BAM Office at [email protected]

Event Fee

BAM Members: £500 for all sessions

Non-Members: £580 for all sessions. This includes a BAM membership.