The ECA (Early Career Academic) Network is pleased to share its latest informal, online networking session.

Early-career academics are often told to consider their impact, often prompted to consider the positive societal, environmental, cultural or economical outcomes of their research practice. However, many struggle to demonstrate impact or engage in impactful scholarship due to the complexity of the field, and the nuanced definition of the word itself.

The upcoming event, featuring guest speaker Dr Seamus Allison, promises insights on effective strategies and practical approaches to building relationships with organisations and collaborators for meaningful, impactful and sustainable research.

The session offers a valuable opportunity to engage in discussion on how to navigate the complex terrain of academia-industry interaction for ECAs keen on making a difference in the world through their work.

Guest Speaker:

Dr Seamus AllisonNottingham Business School

Event Hosts:

BAM Early Career Academic Network

Who should attend?

The early career academic network's community of early career academics - last year of their PhD and 5 years post PhD.

Benefits of Attending:
  • Gain rich insights
  • Develop network
  • Informal space to culminate new ideas and converse

Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

This is a free event for BAM Members.

To become a BAM member and for further information, please click here


Booking Deadline

Registrations close on 18th March 2023 at 23:59 UK time.