07 Oct 2021

BJM - Call for Special Issue Proposals

Call for Special Issue Proposals

Submission deadline: 1 December 2021

Proposals are invited for a special issue in BJM. The special issue will be published in early 2024 and we anticipate that the call for papers will identify a specific topic or sub-discipline, and a range of themes that might be addressed within that area. The proposal should contain the following:

  • A statement of 1-2 pages introducing the existing state of research in the area (including existing debates in BJM), and why the special issue will make a meaningful contribution to them.
  • Clear evidence that the special issue will attract a wide readership and meaningful citations.
  • A draft call for papers.
  • A list of the five best publications of each of the proposed guest editors, indicating with an asterisk if the publication is relevant to the proposal.

An effective special issue should include contributions based on robust empirical investigation(s), with solid theoretical underpinnings within a specific domain, and where possible building on a comprehensive body of literature and sets the agenda for future research. All proposals will be reviewed by members of the editorial board and judged according to quality of the likely contributions as well as their ability to enhance the reputation of BJM.

Given the general readership of BJM, very focused or specialized proposals, dealing with narrow niche areas of little interest to a general audience are discouraged.

Please note the responsibilities of guest editors include handling all submissions, communicating with authors, inviting reviewers and making recommendations on each article using ScholarOne Manuscripts and the special issue should adhere to the usual BJM criteria for handling papers, including standards of correspondence, turnaround times and the peer review process.


The deadline for proposals is 1st December 2021, and proposals will not be reviewed until after this date. The decision will be made by 1st March 2022.

Proposals should be emailed to [email protected].

Douglas Cumming
