26 Sep 2023

Campaign for Social Science: ‘Election 24: ideas for change based on social science evidence

The Campaign for Social Science, which is sponsored by the Academy of Social Sciences, is launching a new series of activities and events that will draw on the expertise of a wide number of distinguished social science academics and practitioners as they share social science perspectives on key policy issues including the economy, climate change, health and social care, immigration, education, and more. Through a range of articles and online and in-person events across the UK, they will offer their thoughts on evidence-based policy directions that they believe should be adopted by the next UK Government.

Below is an outline of the key events that are taking place over the coming months during the first phase of the project (with further activities being developed for 2024):

  • Tuesday 17 October, 9.15-10.15am, online: Reducing health inequalities - from evidence to policy with Professor Trish Greenhalgh (University of Oxford) and Professor Petra Meier (University of Glasgow). In this webinar, Trish and Petra will explore health inequalities and how we can reduce these by developing effective policy based on the research evidence available. There will be opportunity for Q&A from those attending.
  • Wednesday 25 October, 1-2pm, online: Migration: the research, the polling and the politics with Professor Heaven Crawley (United Nations University Centre for Policy Research), Professor Paul Whiteley (University of Essex) and Lord David Blunkett (former Home Secretary). In this webinar, chaired by Dr Heather Rolfe of British Future, our panel will discuss what social science research tells us about migration, what public polling indicates about attitudes towards the topic, and the political considerations around it. There will be opportunity for Q&A from those attending.
  • Thursday 26 October, 4-5pm, Cardiff University: Celebrating Lifelong Wellbeing in Wales. In this event, which is part of the 2023 Festival of Social Science, experts from Cardiff University, Swansea University and Bangor University offer thought-provoking research insights to demonstrate how the social sciences contribute to enhancing the lifelong wellbeing of the nation.
  • Tuesday 14 November (2-4pm), University of Glasgow: Still on track to net zero? Domestic and international challenges in climate policy. In-person panel event hosted by the University of Glasgow on the theme of net zero and energy. Chris Stark (CEO of the UK Climate Change Committee) will provide a keynote, followed by a panel discussion, with academics and key stakeholders, and a Q&A.
  • Thursday 23 November (6-7.30pm), University of Southampton: Election 24: Can we achieve sustainable growth? In-person panel event hosted by the University of Southampton on the theme of sustainable growth.
  • Tuesday 28 November (exact timings TBC), online: Campaign for Social Science Annual Sage Lecture delivered by Professor Gary Younge, University of Manchester. A registration link will be available on the Academy of Social Science’s website in due course.
  • Thursday 30 November, 6-8pm (TBC), University of Birmingham: In-person event hosted by the University of Birmingham with the Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP, who will discuss wealth inequality. A registration link will be made available in due course.