28 Nov 2023

BAM Fellows Masterclass Series - sign up now

The BAM Fellows Masterclass series from the BAM AAC&CB committee presents exceptional talks from prominent management theorists such as Professor Charles Baden-Fuller, Professor Jean Bartunek, Professor Andrew Pettigrew and Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna.

We are delighted to bring to you the BAM Fellows Masterclass series developed by the BAM Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building (AACCB) Committee. 

Our series of BAM Masterclasses are delivered by prominent management theorists from across the globe each year. this year, we have the privelige of hosting BAM Fellows Professor Charles Baden-Fuller, Professor Jean Bartunek, Professor Andrew Pettigrew and Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna. These online webinars are an exceptional learning experience, revealing how top academics think about the world, what inspires them, and how they develop and apply their ideas. Where do influential ideas come from? What leads to them to being widely taken up?

During the Masterclasses, our highly renowned speakers explain how their academic and intellectual journeys begun, and how they developed as influential academics in management. There are also opportunities to ask questions and engage directly with the speakers.

The programme for the BAM Fellows Masterclass Series can be found below:


Tuesday 30th April 2024 


Key Challenges of Process Scholarship within and between Organisations

Professor Andrew Pettigrew FBAM Profile  



Tuesday 28th May 2024 


Equal opportunities but unequal mentoring: The perceptions of mentoring by Black and minority ethnic academics in the UK university sector 

Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna FBAM Profile