Policy Update from Dr Ashley Lenihan, BAM’s Head of Policy & Engagement
AM’s new policy work continues apace. We continue to craft written submissions on behalf of BAM to appropriate parliamentary inquiries and government consultations as they arise. Such work is undertaken in consultation with the Executive, with input sought from the College of Fellows, and tapping into the expertise within our SIGs as appropriate and within time constraints. We also encourage BAM Fellows and members to make their own, individual, submissions to these consultations, and I am happy to provide assistance with this upon request – please contact me on [email protected]
In September, we made a joint submission with the Chartered ABS to the House of Commons Science and Technology inquiry on the Balance and Effectiveness of Research and Innovation Spending. In this we highlighted two central points: First, business & management research is critical for addressing the Grand Challenges – and has a powerful research base with proven impact, despite considerable underinvestment in recent years. And second, our community can play a significantly larger role – enabling better solutions to societal challenges and better delivery of the Industrial Strategy – with both increased investment and early inclusion into conversations about how to tackle big issues (like productivity, work quality, economic growth, and better aging). These points may seem obvious to our community, but are vital to outline to government at this critical juncture.
We also continue to work with the Chartered ABS to campaign for greater investment in business and management research. In my last note, I mentioned that we produced a one-page flyer outlining key elements of our BAM-CABS Position Paper, which was sent to over 1700 stakeholders including Members of Parliament, relevant committee clerks, and civil servants. As a result, senior figures from BAM and CABS have now begun meeting with policy makers and members of government who have been in contact to learn more. A website has also been created explaining the project and offer downloads of the infographic and the report. See: https://charteredabs.org/research-impact/.
At the annual BAM conference this year, Dr Annie Gibney, portfolio lead at the ESRC for Work, Management & Business Studies, gave a talk to delegates. She provided a comprehensive overview of ESRC, its funding modes, funding success rates for the management and business community, areas for development, and further advice. I also spoke to our College of Fellows, outlining the strategic plan for our policy function. The slides from both of these talks be made available on our website as soon as possible.
We also continue to provide links to important information for our members through our Twitter account (@bam_ac_uk), such as the briefing for REF2021 assessors & panel chairs, and the recent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) Report on EEA migration. Do make sure you follow us!
Please see the new policy page on the BAM website for further information and resources: https://www.bam.ac.uk/policy. Previous submissions made by BAM and its Fellows may be found there, as well as information on new opportunities to give evidence and to obtain funding, and resources like a one-page guide of best practice for submitting written evidence to Parliament.