Programme at a Glance

Monday 2nd September (VIRTUAL DAY)

08:15 – 08:30 Welcome by The Conference Chairs Professor Lynn Oxborrow and Professor Helen Shipton FBAM, Nottingham Business School, BAM Chair Prof Emma Parry FBAM, Cranfield University, UK I Online 

08:30 – 10:00 Paper sessions (1) I Online  

10:00 – 10:15 Refreshment break I Online  

10:15 - 11:45 Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) I Virtual

10:15 - 11:15 Future of Work Panel Discussion - Fang-Lee Cooke, Professor of Human Resource Management, Monash​ University, Australia, Andy Hoffman, Professor School for Environment & Sustainability, Michigan Ross School of Business, USA, Dana Minbaeva Professor of Strategic Human Capital at King's Business School, UK, Steve Brown, Professor of Health and Organisational Psychology, Department of Human Resource Management, Nottingham Trent University (Chair)

11:45 - 12:00 Refreshment Break I Online 

12:00 - 13:00 Decolonising the Business School Curriculum - Martyna Sliwa, Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies, Durham University Business School, Stephanie Decker, Professor of Strategy, Birmingham Business School I Online 

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break

13:15 -14:00 Lunch and Learn session Leading on Engagement with Professor Tim Vorley OBE, Oxford Brookes Business School, UK

14:00 - 15:30 Paper Sessions (2) I Online 

15:30 – 15:45 Refreshment break I Online  
15:45 – 17:15 I Paper Sessions (3) I Online 


Tuesday 3rd September (IN PERSON)

On Tuesday 3rd September, BAM will be running the Doctoral Symposium and Nottingham Business School will be hosting a fringe event on Artificial intelligence, and digital transformation.

As Industry adopts AI what should business school educators do? A Panel Discussion on Integrating AI in Business Schools

As Industry adopts AI what should business school educators do? A Panel Discussion on Integrating AI in Business Schools

In an era where artificial intelligence has swiftly become ubiquitous, we as management educators face a pivotal challenge: How can we authentically integrate AI into our teaching methodologies across disciplines like strategy, HR, finance, operations, supply chin, marketing and so on, ensuring that we not only teach about but also teach with AI? We posit that the 'what' and 'how' of our teaching must align in this AI-driven landscape. Just as calculators, computers, and language itself have transformed education, AI presents an unprecedented opportunity to enhance student learning. However, this integration must be executed thoughtfully and intelligently.

Drawing on insights from leading scholars, we'll introduce a Technology Adoption Framework, contextualizing the current state of AI in both industry and academia. We'll critically examine the necessity and optimal implementation of AI in business education, ensuring our pedagogical approaches meet the demands of Industry 4.0 while enhancing learning. Crucially, we'll provide a toolkit of what is currently available and suggest methods to use AI to foster critical reflection and the interrogation of theories and practices.

This panel calls on all of us to take a proactive approach in shaping management education and AI use that prioritizes critical thinking and learning, ethical considerations, and sustainable application. We have a responsibility to foster an environment where knowledge is critically examined, and students are empowered to question, reflect, and ethically apply management theories. Join us as we explore leveraging AI to enhance student learning, encourage critical reflection, and create a smarter, more sustainable approach to business education in the 21st century.

Keynote panellists include:

  • Hannah Jeacock, Director of Research at MHR
  • Dr David Lefevre, Professor of Practice, Management and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London, UK
  • Dr Mairead Brady, Associate Professor of Marketing and Technology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  • Mike Keoghan, Director General, Economic and Social Statistics, Office for National Statistics (ONS), UK 

Registration desk opens at 10:00 -  17:00 I The Atrium, Nottingham Trent University

Wednesday 4th September (IN PERSON ELEMENT)

07:45 – 17:30 Registration I The Atrium I Nottingham Trent University

08:45 – 10:15 Paper Sessions (4) I In-person 

10:15 - 10:40 Refreshment Break I In-person 

10:40 – 13:00 Grand Conference Opening & Award Ceremony: Leadership, Transformation and ResilienceProf Bruce Avolio, Professor of Management, Mark Pigott Chair in Business Strategic Leadership, University of Washington, USA, Prof Lynn Saunders, OBE, Head of School of Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby, UK, Sir Kenneth Olisa, OBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, UK Government, Chaired by Prof Greg Bamber, Professor & Co-Director, International Consortium for Research in Employment & Work, Department of Management, Monash University, Australia I Newton Lecture Theatre I Hybrid 

Leadership, Transformation and Resilience

This panel brings together leading scholars and influential practitioners to address the emerging risks and challenges in our rapidly changing world, which leadership in all sectors of society must address. The panel will reflect on the styles and personal qualities leaders and followers must exhibit, the environments they need to create to foster greater positivity, and the values they seek to embed to promote a more positive future for our world.

The panel will address several key questions, which include: What makes a leader ‘authentic’ and how is that important to our collective future?  What helps leaders and those they lead to enact and sustain the required transformations in our societies and organizations that are needed to address current and future traumatic events and challenges?  What opportunities and challenges do we all face in developing these leaders that are needed, to adequately address an increasingly volatile and technologically complex world?

Debate will bring together research insights and best practices from public and private sectors.  The panel will consider a range of leadership roles, including those in the public and private sector, as well as entrepreneurs, and how we can best develop all leaders to thrive and succeed, while focusing them on building a moral compass to ensure that ethics, sustainability and mutual respect lie at the heart of thought and action. The panel will consider how leaders can sustain sufficient levels of resilience, optimism, and hope, which are now needed to deal with the increasing demands they face, while promoting the same levels of positivity across all organizational levels.


13:00 - 14:00 Lunch I The Atrium I In-person


SIGs & Networks social activities and annual meetings

Organisational Psychology SIG social

13:00 - 14:00 Meet the Non-BAM Editors session (lunch & learn session) I venue TBC

                        International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) Social Lunch I In-Person I Room TBC I By invitation only

                       BAM Peer Review College (PRC) Fellows Meeting I In-Person I Room TBC I By invitation only

                       SIG Lunches I In-person I  Venues TBC I Nottingham Trent University I By invitation only

14:00 – 15:30 Paper Session 5 I Various I In-person 

15:30 – 16:30 Meet the BAM Editors I In-person  

16:30 – 17:00 Refreshment Break I In-person I The Atrium I Nottingham Trent University 

17:00 – 18:30 Paper Sessions (6) workshops & symposia I In-person I various I Nottingham Trent University

18:30 -19:30 SIG/Networks social activities and annual meetings

Cultural and Creative Industries SIG social (by invitation only)

eBusiness and Information Systems Management SIG Annual Meeting and Drinks Reception (by invitation only)

Gender in Management SIG Networking and prize-giving event (by invitation only)

Performance Management SIG social (by invitation only)

18:30 - 19:30 BAM SIGs/Networks activities and informal gatherings I In-person I variousI Nottingham University and external venues

19:00 - 20:00 (Arrival from 18:30) - Drinks Reception hosted by Nottingham Business School I St Mary's Church, High Pavement, Nottingham NG1 1HN - pre-registration required (will open in due course), limited availability



Thursday 5th September (IN PERSON ELEMENT)

08:30 - 17:00 Conference Registration I In-person I The Atrium I Nottingham Trent University

09:00 – 10:30 Paper session (7) I In-person I various I Newton Building I Nottingham Trent University 

10:30 – 11:30 Networking and social activities I in-person I The Atrium & various I Nottingham Trent University

10:30 - 11:30 Women in Business Research (WiBR) meeting I Room TBC I Nottingham Trent University

11:30 – 13:00 Keynote Panel Sustainability and Humanity in Organisations - Prof Jean-Pascal Gond, Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility, City, University of London, UK, Prof Petra Molthan-Hill, Professor of Sustainable Management and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Nottingham Trent University, UK, chaired by Prof Nelarine Cornelius, Professor of Organisation Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, UK  I  In-person I Newton Lecture Theatre  I  Nottingham Trent University

Sustainability and Humanity in Organisations

Organisations are increasingly expected to embrace values that support ethical and sustainable practice, to create governance systems (ESGs) and to support the adoption of UN sustainable development goals (SDGs).

While SDG and ESG frameworks help stakeholders understand how their organisations are managing risks and opportunities, they present a number of questions and challenges:

  • What steps are needed to prevent SDGs/ ESGs from being seen as superficial or misleading, rather than addressing real issues the organisation faces?
  • Is there a danger that organisations will be encouraged to adopt SDGs and ESGs to improve their reputation and standing among investors, employees and customers, only to treat them as a ‘nice-to-have’ – secondary to real priorities. 
    • e.g. Recent research shows that three out of four institutional investors do not trust businesses to achieve their commitments in ESG, sustainability, or diversity and inclusion.  How do we head off scepticism and increase the impact of SDGs ESGs?
  • How can business schools prepare leaders of the future to embrace SDG and ESG values as central to their role rather than secondary to financially-driven imperatives?
  • Is it possible to measure SDGs and ESGs, considering that the topics are separate but related.  Is there any merit in arriving at single SDG and ESG scores when the broad area is broad and complex.

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch I The Atrium I Nottingham Trent University

13:00 - 14:00 BAM SIGs and Networks social activities and annual meetings

Leadership and Leadership Development SIG and African Studies Track joint social

 13:15 -15:15 - Vietcentric cooking class I Unit 16, Avenue B, Sneinton, Market NG1 1DU I pre-registration required (will open in due course), limited availability

Vietcentric’s immersive events go beyond merely cooking classes – they offer exciting opportunities and exquisite ways to explore Vietnamese culture.  After preparing, cooking and tasting your dishes, you are invited to experience a traditional tea ceremony. You'll discover the significance of our iconic Vietnamese long dresses and conical hats, with the option to try them on (it's completely optional!). They are located in the heart of Nottingham’s Creative Quarter, Nottingham’s most exciting art and cultural haven, with a unique blend of artists, designers, creators, and hospitality providers.

Join us for a unique culinary and culturally rich journey with the Vietcentric Cooking Class Experience, specially curated for BAM2024 conference attendees. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into the preparation and cooking of authentic Vietnamese dishes, which you can enjoy after, in our cosy and homely studio. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned cook, our classes are designed to be accessible and enjoyable for all ages and skill levels. The food prepared will also accommodate for all dietary requirements and allergies. All compliments to our expert chefs.

14:00 - 15:00 Open Fellows session System-Wide Changes: A Research Agenda for the big challenges of Today and Tomorrow - Prof Andrew Pettigrew, OBE, FBAM, Professor of Strategy and Organisation, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK, Prof Joanne Murphy, Professor of Inclusive Leadership in the Department of Management, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK, Prof David Denyer, Professor of Leadership and Organisational Change and Strategic Business Director, Cranfield University, UK I In-person I venue TBC I Nottingham Trent University

System-Wide Changes: A Research Agenda for the big challenges of Today and Tomorrow

The notable issues of change in our age no longer just lie within organisations but involve multiple interest groups across many systems seeking to deliver system-wide changes. Examples of such changes include; climate change, poverty reduction and the delivery of health and social care in ageing societies.

In this talk Professor Andrew Pettigrew defines system-wide changes, describes their analytical character and outlines some of the intellectual and practical challenges of researching and intervening in such changes.

Professor Joanne Murphy then analyses that rare phenomenon, a successful example of a system-wide change – the Northern Ireland Conflict and Peace Process (NICPP). The case illustrates the intractability, duration and multiple stakeholders present in the case and the crucial role of reframing of the problem in the delivery of often precarious outcomes. The case analysis reflects on both the significance of the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement and the impact of Brexit on the new Framing.

In turn, Professor David Denyer points to the intellectual challenges of such complex and policy related research in the present academic environment. He proposes a phased programme of research starting with individual pattern recognition studies and developing into comparative case study work exploring variations in processes and outcomes of large scale change. Such a research agenda is likely to involve interdisciplinary collaboration within and across teams in academia and beyond. Such endeavours may not align with current academic norms or incentives.

14:00 - 15:30 WORKSHOPS:

Preregistration will open in due course, limited availability

  • Self-development and Self-expression for Leader Work presented by Prof Nic Beech, University of Salford, UK; Prof Katy Mason, Lancaster University, UK; Prof Paul Hibbert, University of St Andrews, UK I Room TBC I Nottingham Trent University
  • Comparing wellbeing-building strategies for managing Street Level Bureaucrats (SLB) across countries under conditions of austerity pre, during and post COVID-19 workshop presented by Prof Yvonne Brunetto, Southern Cross University, Australia; Prof Paresh Wankhade, Edge Hill University, UK; Prof Kerry Brown, Southern Cross University, Australia; Prof Tim Bentley, Edith Cowan University, Australia; Prof Adina Dudau, University of Glasgow, UK; Prof Rona Beattie, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK I Room TBC I Nottingham Trent University
  • Next Generation of Leadership-as-Practice: Reconceptualizing Leadership as Changes in Organizational Flow presented by Marian Iszatt-White, University of Lancaster, UK; Prof Joe Raelin, North Eastern University, USA; Prof Clare Rigg, Lancaster University, UK; Prof Johan Alvehus, Lund University, Sweden; Jenny Robinson, University of Reading, UK I Room TBC I Nottingham Trent University

15:00 – 15:30 Refreshment Break I In-person I The Atrium I Nottinham Trent University 

15:30 – 17:00 Paper session (8) I Breakout rooms I In-person I Nottingham Trent University 

17:15 - 19:15 Vietcentric cooking class I Unit 16, Avenue B, Sneinton, Market NG1 1DU I pre-registration required (will open in due course), limited availability

 16:15 - 18:15 Walking tours - pick up and drop off Newton Building Main Entrance I pre-registration required (will open in due course), limited availability:

The focus of the tour will be the history of Nottingham in the late 18th and early 19th century, when the town went through a trade boom built upon lace and hosiery manufacturing. We will consider working conditions, slum housing and public health legislation, labour relations, industrial action and the Luddites, whilst also celebrating the monumentalism of Nottingham’s Victorian industrial architecture.  There is the option to finish in a great local pub where the guests can talk and network. This is a more nuanced tour that is aimed at academics who appreciate a deeper investigation of the town's history, rather than just a general walk around Nottingham. 

18:20 – 18:30 Coaches leave NBS Campus to the Gala dinner Colwick Hall I In-person I Colwick Park, Racecourse Rd, Nottingham NG2 4BH