Covid-19: How the BAM Community can help

The business and management community can support the UK Government, Parliament, and the wider research and innovation community in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. This page is a resource to help you use your expertise to do exactly that.  It will be updated regularly with opportunities for you to share your knowledge and research with policymakers and others as they seek solutions and understanding in these difficult times. 

In particular, we encourage you to sign up to the database of experts now managed by the UK Government (here). We would also like to thank those BAM members and Fellows who have already answered the call and signed up to expert database run by the Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology (POST). 

Below, we provide these links to these and many other opportunities for you to share your knowledge for good, including a number of other current government consultations and parliamentary inquiries covering aspects of the pandemic.  We also provide a number of other resources and links to help you engage on the issue. If you have any questions or would like further information on how you can help, please contact: [email protected].

Opportunities for Engagement:

Expert Databases
Inquiries & Consultations
Other Resources