BAM Doctoral Symposium 2024 - Call for Papers

The call for Paper and Poster submissions are now open for the BAM2024 Doctoral Symposium.

26 Mar 2024

We are excited to announce that submissions are now open for the BAM2024 Doctoral Symposium, taking place in-person at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.

The Doctoral Symposium is our flagship event for students and will comprise of plenary sessions along with methodology clinics, as well as opportunities to receive impartial expert advice on your research through either Research Conversations or Student Paper Presentation sessions led by senior academics from within the BAM community.

We welcome all business and management doctoral researchers from all sub-disciplines to join us in person to attend workshops, plenaries, one-on-one Research Conversations, Paper Presentations and present Posters.

Graeme Currie, Professor of Public Management at The University of Warwick will be our Symposium Convenor, hosting all aspects of the day’s events.

You can submit one of the following:

  • Research Conversations - Aimed at students in the early stages of their research. Research Conversations are round-table discussions designed to help students plan the direction of their research.
  • Paper Presentations - Aimed at mid to later stage students with more developed research. Student Paper Presentations provide delegates the opportunity to present their research and gain feedback in a friendly & supportive environment from a established scholar in the field.
  • Poster Presentations - Posters are intended for delegates at the start of their Ph.D., and are open to all delegates who consider that this may be useful for their research.

Submission are now open

Submit your Papers and Posters

Click Here

The deadline to submit is Monday 6th May 2024, 23:59 UK time via the submission link. Please see our FAQ’s for more information.

Registration will open on the 26 April 2024. Please note that you do not have to submit work to attend the Symposium. Registered non-presenters will be able to attend the full day and will have the choice to attend workshops, Research Conversation and Paper Presentation sessions.

For more information, please contact our Symposium Coordinator, Ambra Risca at [email protected]