15 Jan 2021

Deadline Extended: BAM2021 Conference Call for Papers


Call for Papers

Following multiple requests, the deadline for submissions to the BAM2021 Conference has been extended until Monday 29th March 09:00 UK Time


Recovering from Covid: Responsible Management and Reshaping the Economy

In 2021, the 35th Conference and 2nd BAM Conference in the Cloud, will critically engage with the socio-economic recovery from the global Covid-19 pandemic.  

Consumers, producers, frontline workers, managers, businesses, public and third sector organisations all have their own roles and responsibilities in transforming our marketised society for the post-pandemic world.  

We will critically explore the challenges we all face, aiming to generate relevant, impactful insights into the innovative forms and means of mobilising the collective action that is required if we are to create a productive, flourishing and more inclusive society. 

The devastation created by the Covid-19 pandemic presents a unique opportunity for the business and management academy to play its part in addressing the social, technical, economic and environmental disruptions we face. There is a desperate need for responsible management and distributed leadership. 

These unique circumstances offer the ability to make a tangible difference beyond the realms of the theoretical and academic, to take chances we might not otherwise have encountered. We call upon our collaborative research community to address the broad range of questions the pandemic and its aftermath have created, to explore how best to reimagine and enable a greener, more sustainable economy, one that levels up the economy, and one that is both inclusive and fairer. 


The BAM2021 Conference will include live paper presentations consisting of both full and developmental papers curated by Tracks, Keynotes, high-level panel discussions and Professional Developmental Workshops. Further details will be published in due course.  

Call for PDWs

The British Academy of Management is pleased to formally announce the call for Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), to be presented at the BAM2021 virtual Conference. We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any aspect of business and management scholarship including research, teaching and engagement with practice.

Key dates for PDWs

Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)

  • Call for PDWs opens (6th April)
  • Deadline for PDW proposals (21st May)
  • PDW acceptance notification (11th June)

Submit Your Papers

Click here

If it is your first time submitting a PDW, you may find the examples below helpful. We welcome a diverse range of proposals so the format is not prescriptive.

Examples of PDW Proposals

We have provided a few examples of PDW proposals submitted previously as guidance for those who are planning to submit a proposal for the first time:

Example 1:
The purpose of this PDW is twofold 1) to enhance authors understanding of what reviewers are looking for when evaluating qualitative submission, and 2) to provide nuances for navigating the preparation and writing of a qualitative manuscript. The workshop aspires to contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding publication and evaluation qualitative research in top-tier academic outlets by advancing a discussion in terms of the key issues that both parties (reviewers and authors) need to consider in the review process. It addresses not only general issues and tensions in publishing/ reviewing qualitative research but also issues and tensions that may be unique to different paradigmatic assumptions. The speaker will offer insights into writing qualitative research and what reviewers and readers are looking for in a qualitative manuscript. In doing so, the speaker will discuss reviewing qualitative manuscripts that adhere to different philosophical orientations. The PDW contributes to dialogue on required institutional changes in Business & Management journals so as to establish best practices for handling qualitative submissions.

Example 2:
This PDW builds upon a series of three workshops, over an 18 month period, organised by the facilitators.  It is concerned with the impact of disruptive technologies on management practices within organisations and, more specifically, whether and how such practices make employees more engaged and productive.  In other words, how motivated employees are and how empowered are they to take part in employer’s decision-making processes. Data and its use through machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) have become a strategic resource, presenting opportunities and challenges for organisations and individuals alike. Therefore, we want to examine the factors supporting and hindering the adoption and acceptance of relevant management practices, and in turn the decision-making that underpins the emergence of data-driven strategies and business models. Such changes can positively affect employee effectiveness, engagement and overall performance. Given the above, our intention is to discuss and explore the following during the PDW:

  1. how can organisations develop dynamic capabilities to exploit AI and to enhance the relationship between such capabilities, employee work engagement and the adoption/acceptance of new data practices?
  2. how can big data and AI enhance strategic decision-making at senior levels in organisations, with a view to developing new strategies or enhancing existing strategies?

The PDW is designed to be interactive – following a short presentation, delegates will address these questions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. 

Our longer term intention is to foster a group of academics who are interested in researching the effects of big data and AI on society, organisations and people.


Key dates*:

  • Paper submission site opens (15th January)
  • Deadline to submit paper (Monday 29th March - CLOSED)
  • Review process starts (6th April)
  • Conference registration opens (21st May)
  • Paper acceptance notification (21st May)
  • Deadline for at least ONE author to register for the Conference (18th June)
  • Final paper upload (30th June)
  • Asynchronous** paper presentation (optional) deadline (16th July)


You can view each call for submissions from the 30 Tracks via the link below along with the Paper Submission Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

1. BAM2021 Track Summaries

2. BAM2021 Paper Submission Guidelines (PDF downloadable)

3. BAM2021 FAQ (PDF downloadable)


Registration Fees

The BAM2021 Conference registration will open the Friday 21st May


  • Standard delegate £195
  • Student - £100


  • Standard delegate - £275
  • Student - £125

We would encourage Doctoral Students planning to attend the Conference and Doctoral Symposium to register via the Doctoral Symposium webpage. Further information on Doctoral Symposium can be viewed below

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Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities

Exhibitor Opportunities at the BAM2021 Conference 

We have a numbe of exhibitor opportunites available at the BAM2021 Conference

An important part of the BAM Annual Conference are the professional development and social functions for the delegates. You can increase your organisation’s brand awareness by supporting these activities. This year we are offering three levels of packages to meet the varying needs of our exhibitors. In addition, the Conference will be run in real time, using a powerful platform (EventsAir) that offers many attractive features such as the ability to capture and follow up new leads and conduct live audience polling. There will also be an interactive exhibition hall and networking facility enabling delegates to connect with each other (one-to-one and in groups).  

Further information on our Exhibitor offerings can be found located here.

If you are interested in exhibiting, then please complete either the booking form located at the bottom of the document, or complete the online booking form here.

Conference Committee

Conference Commitee

  • Professor Martin Spring, Professor of Operations Management, Lancaster University Management School (Conference Chair)
  • Dr Sophie Alkhaled, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Lancaster University Management School (Conference Co-Chair)
  • Emma Connolly, Events and Marketing Officer, Lancaster University Management School
  • Louise Inman, Digital Content Manager, Lancaster University Management School
  • Dr Marian Iszatt-White, Doctoral Director, Lancaster University Management School
  • Paul McCarthy, Head of Philanthrophy, Lancaster University
  • Maggie Wild, Philanthrophy Manager, Lancaster University Management School
  • Justina Senkus, Head of Operations and Events, British Academy of Management
  • Lewis Johnson, Conference and Communications Officer, British Academy of Management