Helping investigations into the diverse experiences of education/teaching-focused academics working in business schools.
Please find details below of a project, conducted by Professor Lisa Anderson, BAM Fellow and Professor of Management Learning at the University of Liverpool and colleagues from The University of Queensland, Monash University, The University of Liverpool and The University of Warwick which investigates the diverse experiences of education/teaching-focused academics working in business schools.
If would be greatly appreciated it if you could distribute the survey to education/teaching-focused staff in your school. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete (QR Code below), and if interested, there is an option for participants to do a follow-up interview or focus group discussion.
The joint research collaboration looks to unpack our experiences, opportunities, challenges and unique contributions, whilst interrogating the institutional structures supporting education/teaching roles at business schools in universities across Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Again, we would greatly appreciate it if you might be able to circulate this email to colleagues/across your network and encourage those who you think might be interested in participating.
Many thanks,
Niki Macionis – The University of Queensland
Lee Slaughter – The University of Queensland
Wendy Pham – The University of Queensland
Lisa Powell - Monash University
Glen Croy – Monash University
Nicholas McGuigan – Monash University
Lisa Anderson – The University of Liverpool
Lisa Weaver – The University of Warwick