17 Apr 2023

IJMR Special Issue Call for Papers Entrepreneurship as an Academic Field: Taking Stock and New Directions

Extended abstract submission deadline (see submission process):

July 30, 2023

Guest editors

Sophie Bacq, Indiana University (USA), [email protected]

Maribel Guerrero, Arizona State University (USA), [email protected]

Donald Siegel, Arizona State University (USA), [email protected]

Journal Associate Editor

Jonathan Pinto, Imperial College London (UK)

Special issue: Research gaps and call for literature reviews

Entrepreneurship is a topic of growing interest to policymakers and academics in management and related social science disciplines (economics, sociology, psychology, and, more recently, public policy). In the early 2000s, in the context of the Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, leading scholars encouraged dialogue and debate about entrepreneurship as a promising field of study (Bruyat and Julien, 2001; Erikson, 2001; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000, 2001; Zahra and Dess, 2001). In the 2010s, a new generation of scholars continued the effort to develop entrepreneurship as a field (Busenitz et al., 2014; Meyer et al., 2014; McDonald et al., 2015; Shepherd, 2015; Short et al., 2010; Wiklund et al., 2011). These academics noted that entrepreneurship research had become more theory-driven and focused on a central core of themes, issues, methodologies, and debates.

The burgeoning literature on entrepreneurship and the growth of key subfields, such as social, environmental and community-based entrepreneurship (Bacq, Hertel, and Lumpkin, 2022; Dean and McMullen, 2007: Peredo and Chrisman, 2006; Vedula et al., 2022), academic entrepreneurship (Siegel & Wright, 2015), corporate entrepreneurship (Kuratko and Audretsch, 2013), technological entrepreneurship (Siegel, 2006), entrepreneurship and public policy (Klein, Mahoney, McGahan, and Pitelis, 2010; Siegel, Wessner, Binks, and Lockett, 2003), entrepreneurial ecosystems (Guerrero et al., 2021), among others, has inspired authors to write literature review papers. Unfortunately, as noted in Rauch (2002), these papers focused on summarising the literature without providing unique contributions to theory testing and theory development. At odds with best practices (Bacq, Drover, and Kim, 2021), they also fail to identify research gaps and provide useful suggestions for additional research, missing opportunities to be path breaking and field-shaping.

Most importantly, these literature review papers fail to address the following problems in the field identified three decades ago, which have still not been sufficiently clarified:

Problem 1: The need for definition and measurement to understand the phenomenon and the appropriate unit(s) of analysis: individuals, teams, organisations, or community/society (Bruyat and Julien, 2001; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000).

Problem 2: The lack of understanding of the entrepreneurial process: new or established (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000).

Problem 3: “Relative” performance outcomes of individuals or firms in the context of small or new businesses and other relevant actors in society (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000).

Problem 4: The lack of novel multi/cross-disciplinary conceptual approaches (Rauch, 2022), paradigms, and robust methodological approaches (Short et al., 2010).

With this special issue, we seek to fill these gaps. Specifically, we solicit literature reviews from prominent scholars in each sub-field in entrepreneurship and consider others that emerge from our call. These papers will synthesise the existing literature in that sub-field and provide guidance on how to extend it, while also addressing the four problems mentioned above. These sub-fields include, but are not limited to:

Entrepreneurship + strategic management

  • Corporate entrepreneurship
  • International/global entrepreneurship
  • Strategic entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship + societal issues

  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Inclusive entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship as a source of civic wealth creation for society, beyond financial wealth

Entrepreneurship + technology and innovation management

  • Academic entrepreneurship
  • Digital entrepreneurship
  • Technological entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship + public policy

  • Public entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Evaluation of public sector entrepreneurship programs

Special issue aims and editorial ethos

The International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) is the leading global review journal in Organisation and Management Studies (OMS). All SI manuscripts should fit with the following journal aims and editorial ethos (see Breslin et al., 2020, 2021):

  1. Make a significant contribution by reviewing, evaluating, and underpinning the accumulated literature about the most competing paradigms/views critically appraised toward recognising entrepreneurship as an academic research field.
  2. Cover a number of the OMS sub-disciplines: Entrepreneurship and its interplay with Organisational Behaviour, International and Strategic Management, Management Science, and Information Systems and Technology Management.
  3. Encourage critical reviews of the literature that extend the conceptual understanding and delight in new strategic directions for research in entrepreneurship as a research field.
  4. Continue the academic conversation with multi/cross-disciplinary audiences (e.g., senior faculty, established researchers, doctoral candidates) via the dissemination of the SI.

Key dates

April 2023

Call for papers on the IJMR website

July 30, 2023

Abstract proposal e-mail submissions

February 29, 2024

Full manuscripts online submissions

June 30, 2024

First-round of reviews completed

August-September, 2024

Special issue hybrid workshop (TBC)

December 31, 2024

Papers resubmitted

March 31, 2025

Second-round of reviews completed

April 30, 2025

Final papers (including overview) ready for online publication

April to September, 2025

SI guest editors and authors’ dissemination

September 2025

SI papers ready for publication in an issue

Submission process

Step 1: We request an extended proposal abstract of the project (no more than five pages, 1500 words).

    1. This extended proposal abstract should include an explanation of the filled gap related to our four suggested problems and sub-fields, the fit with the special issue aims and ethos, the methodological design, the current stage of the project and feasibility plan to submit the full manuscript by February 29th, 2024.
    1. This extended abstract proposal should be sent by e-mail to ALL Guest Editors: Sophie Bacq: [email protected]; Maribel Guerrero: [email protected]; Donald Siegel: [email protected], indicating in the subject “SI IJMR: ENT”. ONLY the pre-selected extended abstracts will be invited to continue the editorial process (step 2) and it does not guarantee publication.

Step 2: All invited manuscripts will be reviewed according to the publication criteria of the International Journal of Management Reviews. Therefore, before any submission, scholars should review this special issue check list:

    1. Manuscripts should follow the Author Guidelines set out by the International Journal of Management Reviews available at:


    1. Manuscript should be submitted online via http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijmr highlighting that you wish to be considered for the Special Issue on “ENT”


Bacq, S., Drover, W., and Kim, P. H. (2021). Writing bold, broad, and rigorous review articles in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6), pp. 106147.

Bacq, S., Hertel, C., and Lumpkin, G. T. (2022). Communities at the nexus of entrepreneurship and societal impact: A cross-disciplinary literature review. Journal of Business Venturing37(5), pp. 106231.

Breslin, D., Callahan, J., and Iszatt-White, M. (2021). Future-proofing IJMR as a leading management journal: Reach, relevance and reputation. International Journal of Management Reviews, doi.org/10.1111/ijmr.12275.

Breslin, D., Gatrell, C., and Bailey, K. (2020). Developing insights through reviews: reflecting on the 20th anniversary of the International Journal of Management reviews. International Journal of Management Reviews, 22, pp. 3-9.

Bruyat, C., and Julien, P. A. (2001). Defining the field of research in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing16(2), pp. 165-180.

Busenitz, L. W., Plummer, L. A., Klotz, A. C., Shahzad, A., and Rhoads, K. (2014). Entrepreneurship research (1985–2009) and the emergence of opportunities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice38(5), pp. 1-20.

Dean, T. J., and McMullen, J. S. (2007). Toward a theory of sustainable entrepreneurship: Reducing environmental degradation through entrepreneurial action. Journal of Business Venturing, 22(1), pp. 50-76.

Dencker, J., Bacq, S., Gruber, M., and Haas, M. (2021). Reconceptualizing necessity entrepreneurship: A contextualized framework of entrepreneurial processes under the condition of basic needs. Academy of Management Review, 46(1), pp. 60-79.

Erikson, T. (2001). “The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research”: a few comments and some suggested extensions. Academy of Management Review26(1), pp. 12-13.

Guerrero, M., Liñán, F., and Cáceres-Carrasco, F. R. (2021). The influence of ecosystems on the entrepreneurship process: a comparison across developed and developing economies. Small Business Economics57(4), pp. 1733-1759.

Klein, P. G., Mahoney, J. T., McGahan, A. M., and Pitelis, C. N. (2010). Toward a theory of public entrepreneurship. European Management Review, 7(1), pp. 1-15.

Kuratko, D. F., and Audretsch, D. B. (2013). Clarifying the domains of corporate entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal9(3), pp. 323-335.

McDonald, S., Gan, B. C., Fraser, S. S., Oke, A., and Anderson, A. R. (2015). A review of research methods in entrepreneurship 1985-2013. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 21(3), pp. 291-315.

Meyer, M., Libaers, D., Thijs, B., Grant, K., Glänzel, W., and Debackere, K. (2014). Origin and emergence of entrepreneurship as a research field. Scientometrics98(1), pp. 473-485.

Peredo, A. M., and Chrisman, J. J. (2006). Toward a theory of community-based enterprise. Academy of Management Review, 31(2), pp. 309-328.

Rauch, A. (2020). Opportunities and threats in reviewing entrepreneurship theory and practice. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice44(5), pp. 847-860.

Shane, S., and Venkataraman, S. (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review25(1), pp. 217-226.

Shane, S., and Venkataraman, S. (2001). Entrepreneurship as a field of research: A response to Zahra and Dess, Singh, and Erikson. Academy of Management Review26(1), pp. 13-16.

Shepherd, D. (2015). Party On! A call for entrepreneurship research that is more interactive, activity based, cognitively hot, compassionate, and prosocial. Journal of Business Venturing30(4), pp. 489-507.

Short, J. C., Ketchen Jr, D. J., Combs, J. G., and Ireland, R. D. (2010). Research methods in entrepreneurship: Opportunities and challenges. Organizational Research Methods13(1), pp. 6-15.

Siegel, D.S. (2006). Technological entrepreneurship: Institutions and agents involved in university technology transfer, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Siegel, D.S. and Wright, M. 2015. Academic entrepreneurship: Time for a rethink?” British Journal of Management, 26,(4), pp. 582-595.

Siegel, D.S., Wessner, C., Binks, M., and Lockett, A. (2003). Policies promoting innovation in small firms: Evidence from the U.S. and U.K. Small Business Economics, 20(2), pp. 121-127.

Vedula, S., Doblinger, C., Pacheco, D., York, J., Bacq, S., Russo, M., and Dean, T. (2022). Entrepreneurship for the public good: A review, critique, and path forward for social and environmental entrepreneurship research. Academy of Management Annals, 16(1), pp. 391-425.

Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., Audretsch, D. B., and Karlsson, C. (2011). The future of entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice35(1), pp. 1-9.

Zahra, S., and Dess, G. G. (2001). Entrepreneurship as a field of research: Encouraging dialogue and debate. Academy of Management Review26(1), pp. 8-10.

Guest editors’ short biographies

Sophie Bacq, Associate Professor (Larry and Barbara Sharpf Professor of Entrepreneurship), Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Indiana University Kelly School of Business (USA). She has served as associate editor (JBV, JSE) and board reviewer (AMD, AMJ, ETP, JoM). She has co-edited two special issues and three books, and published over 30 journal articles in leading journals/editorials in social entrepreneurship, management, and innovation. A fellow from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant (Canada), D’Amore-McKim School of Business Summer Research Grant, Northeastern University Centre for Emerging Markets Mini Research Grant. She serves as a representative at large to the AOM Entrepreneurship Division, is the co-director (with J. Kickul) of The Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, one of the premiere academic gatherings on the topic, and co-teacher (with G.T. Lumpkin) of the Social Entrepreneurship Doctoral Seminar (sedocseminar.org).

Maribel Guerrero, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management, School of Public Affairs, and Global Center for Technology Transfer, Arizona State University (USA). Affiliated member of the Business and Economics School at Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile) and CIRCLE, Lund University (Sweden). She has served as associate editor (JOTT, JSBM, SBE), advisor (TFSC, RP), and board reviewer (ETP, ERD). She has co-edited 15 special issues, 15 book chapters, and five books, and published over 50 journal articles in leading journals/editorials in management, entrepreneurship, economics, and public policy. She is a former Board Member of the Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GEM). Active fellow of international entrepreneurship projects (GEM, GUESSS, PSED, STEP). A fellow from the European Commission-OCDE (HE-Innovative), Chilean Council of Science and Technology (CONICYT), Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), Sweden Ministry of Education, Spanish Ministries of Economy, Labor, Education, Santander Bank. Currently, she serves as a treasure of the AOM Entrepreneurship Division.

Donald Siegel, Foundation Professor of Public Policy and Management, School of Public Affairs, and Co-Director of the Global Center for Technology Transfer at Arizona State University. Don has served as Dean of the School of Business at the University at Albany, SUNY, Department Chair (RPI), Associate Dean (University of California-Riverside), and Director of the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. He is an editor (JOTT), former editor (JMS, AMP), associate editor (JPA), and former associate editor (JBV, AMLE). Don has co-edited 52 special issues and published 133 journal articles on innovation, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and other topics in leading journals in management and economics (e.g., AER, RESTAT, EJ, JFE, JLE, BPEA, AMJ, AMR, AMP, AMLE, JoM, JBV, ETP, JAP, PPsych, OBHDP, SMJ, RP, OS, and JIBS), as well as 12 books. His citation count, according to Google Scholar, is 73,540 (h-index: 104). He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Academy of Management (AOM) and currently serves as Dean of the AOM Fellows. Don has also received $4.7 million in grants and fellowships from the Sloan Foundation, NSF, Kauffman Foundation, NBER, American Statistical Association, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, and the U.S. Department of Labor.