26 Aug 2021

International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) Monthly Bulletin – July 2021

The centre of our activity over the past month has been in promoting and obtaining feedback on the first soft policy statement from our General Assembly (GA). This statement is based upon discussions during our recent webinar series focuses on the evaluation of management research and suggests a way forward. The statement can be read at: https://www.ifsam.org/blog/2021/06/04/ifsam-general-assemblys-position-statement-on-management-research/.

We ask for your help in sharing this policy statement as widely as possible so please do distribute this among your networks.  We also invite you to let us have your feedback and endorsement of this policy statement. We are collating the responses that we receive so that we can continue the conversation on this important topic.

Our three new VPs – Silviya Svejenova (VP Research), Andre-Luiz Maranhao de Souza-Leao (VP Education) and Lee Lu (CP Practice) - have either taken office or will do over the next few weeks. We welcome them wholeheartedly to the team! Details of the new VPs alongside the rest of the IFSAM Executive Committee can be found at: https://www.ifsam.org/executive-committee-composition/.

Also in July we started planning our 2022 Congress for Autumn 2022. The 2022 Congress Committee met recently to discuss this important conference.  We will be announcing more details later this year.

Our President, Xavier Castañer, has also had another busy month presenting IFSAM’s activities and actions. He participated in a special closing session of the fifth LIC congress (https://www.ifsam.org/blog/2021/06/30/our-president-participated-in-the-closing-special-session-of-the-5th-lic-congress/) and, more recently, he delivered a keynote speech at the 2021 EDAMBA Summer Research Academy. It is gratifying to see so much interest in IFSAM and our activities.

 If you have any questions or want to get in touch with IFSAM, please contact us at: [email protected]