
This workshop provides insights into the main non-probability sampling methods available for qualitative research looking at both their advantages and disadvantages. It explores the paucity of explicit discussion across the social sciences regarding the number of qualitative interview participants deemed sufficient. Focussing on the use of interviews, the workshop will offer recommendations regarding the reporting of the number of sample size, alongside considering saturation and offering tentative ranges regarding the number of interview participants that are likely to be considered sufficient in different contexts.


Provider Information

BAM Council Sub-Committee of Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building


Who Should Attend?

The event speaks to Sections A1, A2 and E1, as detailed in the BAM Framework 



Professor Mark NK Saunders, Professor of Business Research Methods and Director of Globalisation, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK


Benefits of attending 

This workshop is likely to be of particular benefit to qualitative researchers, particularly those using interviews enabling them to:

  • Establish the number of interviews they are likely to need to undertake.
  • Having undertaken their interviews, explain why the number they undertook is sufficient.
  • Report their sampling strategy clearly, with clear reference to appropriate literature



Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

BAM Members: Free 

Non-BAM Members: £25

Non-BAM Members, Students: £15
